14X Bus Route

14X Bus Route Rolla Sharjah To Muwailah

Rolla Sharjah To Muwailah Bus Number 14X

14x bus route map from Rolla To Muwailiah is operated by SRTA. Here you can find out all about Bus timing, Ticket prices, and stops.

  • The bus ticket fare is 8 AED (6 AED with Sayer Card)
  • Route from Rolla Terminal to Airport Bus Station 
  • The bus runs at intervals of 15/30 minutes

🕐 Sharjah bus timings

14X Bus Timetable From Rolla To Muwailah


From Rolla

From Muwailah


6:23 AM to 10:15 PM

6:25 AM to 10:00 PM


6:23 AM to 10:15 PM

6:25 AM to 10:00 PM


6:23 AM to 10:15 PM

6:25 AM to 10:00 PM


6:23 AM to 10:15 PM

6:25 AM to 10:00 PM


6:23 AM to 10:15 PM

6:25 AM to 10:00 PM


6:17 AM to 10:00 PM

6:40 AM to 9:49 PM


6:17 AM to 10:00 PM

6:40 AM to 9:49 PM

14X Sharjah Bus Ticket Price

A one-way cash ticket Price is 8 AED and with a Sayer card 6 AED.

14X Sharjah Bus Route With Bus Stops

  1. Al Rolla Terminal
  2. Ibrahim Mohammed Al Madfa Street
  3. Al Jubai Terminal
  4. King faisal Street
  5. Meliha Road
  6. Muwailah Terminal

Sharjah 14X Bus Route Map

bus 14x
bus 14x

Frequently Asked Questions

How much is the Sharjah bus fare?

Sharjah Bus Fare:-

  • Cash ticket price is 8 AED.
  • Sayer card ticket price is 6 AED.

Does Sharjah Bus Take Cash?

Yes, Sharjah bus take cash.

How can I pay on the Sharjah bus?

There are two ways to pay for Sharjah buses. One is cash and the other is by sayer card.

14x bus route,timings, rolla to muwailah