15 Bus Route

Rolla to Sharjah Airport Bus Timings

15 Bus Timings

15 No. Bus Route From Rolla Terminal To Sharjah Airport.

15 bus route map from Rolla to Sharjah Airport Bus Station is operated by SRTA. Here you can find out all about Bus Timings, Ticket price and stops.

  • The bus ticket fare is 8 AED (6 AED with Sayer Card)
  • Route from Rolla Terminal to Airport Bus Station 
  • The bus runs at intervals of 20/40 minutes

🕐 Sharjah bus timings

15 Bus Timetable


From Rolla

From Airport


6:10 AM to 10:50 PM

6:45 AM to 8:00 PM


6:10 AM to 10:50 PM

6:45 AM to 8:00 PM


6:10 AM to 10:50 PM

6:45 AM to 8:00 PM


6:10 AM to 10:50 PM

6:45 AM to 8:00 PM


6:10 AM to 10:50 PM

6:45 AM to 8:00 PM


6:30 AM to 8:40 PM

6:30 AM to 8:40 PM


6:30 AM to 8:40 PM

6:30 AM to 8:40 PM

Rolla To Sharjah Airport Bus Timings

From Monday to Friday: Route Rolla to Sharjah Airport

  • Between 6:10 to 8:40, the bus runs at an interval of every 25 minutes.
  • Between 9:25 to 15:20, the bus runs at an interval of every 45 minutes.
  • Between 16:05 to 19:50, the bus runs at an interval of every 25 minutes.
  • Between 20:30 to 22:50, the bus runs at an interval of every 45 minutes.

From Saturday & Sunday: Route Rolla to Sharjah Airport

  • Between 6:30 to 9:00, the bus runs at an interval of every 30 minutes.
  • Between 9:40 to 15:40, the bus runs at an interval of every 40 minutes.
  • Between 16:00 to 19:40, the bus runs at an interval of every 20 minutes.
  • Between 20:00 to 20:40, the bus runs at an interval of every 40 minutes.

Sharjah Airport to Rolla Bus Timings

From Monday to Friday: Route Sharjah Airport to Rolla 

  • Between 6:45 to 9:40, the bus runs at an interval of every 25 minutes.
  • Between 10:25 to 16:25, the bus runs at an interval of every 45 minutes.
  • Between 17:05 to 19:35, the bus runs at an interval of every 25 minutes.
  • Between 20:00 to 20:00, the bus runs at an interval of every 45 minutes.

From Saturday & Sunday: Route Sharjah Airport to Rolla 

  • Between 6:30 to 10:00, the bus runs at an interval of every 30 minutes.
  • Between 10:40 to 16:00, the bus runs at an interval of every 40 minutes.
  • Between 16:40 to 19:40, the bus runs at an interval of every 20 minutes.
  • Between 20:00 to 20:40, the bus runs at an interval of every 40 minutes.

Ticket Price

A one-way cash ticket Price is 8 AED and with a Sayer card 6 AED.

Route Rolla To Sharjah Airport Bus Stops

  1. Al Rolla Terminal
  2. Shk Saqr Bin Khalid Al Qassimi St
  3. University City Road
  4. University City
  5. Sharjah International Airport Terminal

15 Bus Route Map

bus 15
15 bus route

Frequently Asked Questions

15 bus route,timings,rolla to sharjah airport

What is the first bus timing from Rolla to Sharjah airport (Bus number 15)?

The bus no. 15 from Rolla to Sharjah airport started at 5:30 AM Daily. Operating hours vary on weekends depending on the route.

What is the last Bus time from Rolla to Sharjah airport (Bus number 15)?

The last bus time from Rolla to Sharjah airport is 11:00 PM  Daily. Operating hours vary on weekends depending on the route

What is the bus number from Rolla To Sharjah Airport?

Sharjah Bus Number 15 started from Rolla Sharjah and ended at Sharjah Airport

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