Dubai to Al Ain Bus

Dubai to Al Ain Bus

Dubai to Al Ain Bus Schedule [E201]

Al Ghubaiba Bus Station Dubai to Al Ain Central Bus Station

E201 bus route from Dubai to Al Ain has 9 stops departing from Al Ghubaiba Bus Station Dubai and ending in Al Ain Central Bus Station.

  • Distance: 139 Km
  • Duration: 2:15 hours
  • Bus ticket fare: 25 AED
  • Dubai Bus Station: Al Ghubaiba Bus Station 12
  • Al Ain Bus Station: Al Ain Central Bus Station 
  • First bus of the day: 6:20
  • Last bus of the day: 21:20

🔙 Al Ain to Dubai bus timings
🕐 Dubai bus timings

Dubai to Al Ain Bus Timings [2023]

  • Monday to Friday: 6:20 AM to 9:20 PM
  • Saturday & Sunday: 7:20 AM to 11:20 PM

E201 Bus Timings

Dubai to Al Ain Bus Timings: Monday to Friday

e201 Dubai
Depart DubaiArrive Al Ain

Dubai to Al Ain Bus Timings: Saturday & Sunday

e201 Dubai Wkd
Depart DubaiArrive Al Ain

E201 Bus Ticket Price

Traveling by bus from Dubai to Al Ain is the cheapest way to travel. A one-way ticket price is 25 AED in 2023.

✅ Remember to:
1️⃣ Check your NOL card balance
2️⃣ Recharge your NOL Card

E201 Bus Stops: Dubai to Al Ain

  1. Al Ghubaiba Bus Station 12
  2. Wasl, Wasl Club
  3. Nad Al Shiba, Emirates NBD 
  4. Al Qattara Oasis East
  5. Al Ain Gift Markets
  6. Al Slimi Park
  7. Eid Praying Ground
  8. Al Madina Petrol Station
  9. Al Ain Central Bus Station

E201 Bus Route Map: Dubai to Al Ain

dubai to al ain bus timings
Dubai to Al Ain bus

Other Transport options

Public transport is the most widely utilized travel service. But are you looking for a quicker way to get from Dubai to Al Ain? Consider taking a taxi, although the fare is higher at 270 AED (80 USD). The journey takes approximately 1 hour and 20 minutes.

You can also consider taking an Uber! Not only are the prices similar to taxis, but Uber offers additional flexibility and convenience. With just a few taps on your smartphone, you can book your ride hassle-free!

Dubai International Airport to Al Ain

  1. Bus 32C to Grand Hyatt Hotel Stop (6 minutes)
  2. Bus 44 to Wasl, Wasl Club Stop (12 minutes)
  3. Bus e201 to Al Ain

FAQ Dubai to Al Ain Bus

al ain to dubai bus timing

Is there a direct bus from Dubai to Al Ain?

Yes, there is a direct Bus E201 From Dubai to Al Ain. You Can Get a Direct Bus From Al Ghubaiba Bus Station Dubai To Al Ain Central Bus Station. Al Ghubaiba Bus Station is Located in Al Shindagha, Just West of Dubai Creek.

Where is the Bus Station From Dubai To Al Ain?

Al Ghubaiba Bus Station is Located in Al Shindagha, Just West of the Dubai Creek.

Is there a bus from Dubai to Al Ain now?

Yes, there is a direct Bus E201 From Dubai to Al Ain.

How do I get from Dubai to Al Ain?

The Easiest Way to get from Dubai to Al Ain is by bus. You have to take the RTA E201 Bus to get to Al Ain. It takes about 1 hour and 45 minutes, and the bus runs every 60 minutes.

What is the cheapest way to get from Dubai to Al Ain City?

RTA Bus is the cheapest way to get from Dubai to Al Ain City. A one-way ticket price is only 25 AED From Dubai to Al Ain.

What is the Bus Number from Dubai To Al Ain

Dubai To Al Ain Bus Number Is E201. The Bus E201 Departing From Al Ghubaiba Bus Station Dubai.

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